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Vibro/Dynamics and Socitec have over 50 years of experience in shock and vibration.

Vibration Measurement and Engineering Analysis Services

Vibro/Dynamics’ Engineering Services Department has a staff of highly qualified engineers for vibration measurement and analysis. Our experienced engineers use state-of-the-art vibration measurement equipment and software to analyze the collected data.  Our comprehensive reports help customers to understand the vibration condition present to troubleshoot or prepare for future installations. Other engineering services available from Socitec US include finite element analysis (FEA), Solidworks and ANSYS software, plus SYMOS simulation. SYMOS is a proprietary software package developed by the Socitec for solving shock and vibration problems. SYMOS allows the simulation of complex, non-linear systems with up to 500 degrees of freedom in order to predict isolator performance for modeling and analyzing shock and vibration problems.


A global review of the application, environment and customer concerns.


Planning and preparation for vibration data gathering.


Field measurement of vibrations.


Engineering analysis and reporting.


Review of report data with customer.