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Vibro/Dynamics products are custom engineered machinery mounting systems that reduce transmitted vibration while improving machine installations. Our products and systems are custom engineered for each application using a collaborative, engineered approach. Modern material technologies combined with 50+ years of experience, provide successful, long-lasting installations that pay for themselves with improved machine performance, and control of disturbing vibration.
Solutions to shock and vibration challenges require analysis and understanding of the entire system comprised of the machine to be isolated, the forces it generates, the environment and the response characteristics of the isolators.
Vibro/Dynamics was founded on an engineered approach to shock and vibration isolation. All applications are individually analyzed, and each solution is customized to achieve the desired results.
This approach has guided our company from its beginning and has developed into an advanced process using specialized and industry leading modeling and analytical software. Paired with our extensive application experience and the broadest product line available, we can confidently offer effective solutions for almost any shock and vibration application.
Close collaboration with our customers enables us to offer a wide range of effective solutions, efficiently tailored to every application.
As part of Socitec US, one of the Socitec group of companies, our resources include n-Degree Of Freedom SYMOS Simulation, Advanced FEA, 2D/3D CAD, and Physical Testing Services.
These tools enable us to provide detailed reports providing unparalleled insights for every application anywhere in the world.
Our markets include metalforming presses, forging presses and hammers, die casting machines, plastic injection molding machines, power generation and HVAC equipment, machine tools and many others. We possess expertise in the design and application elastomer, and coil spring based isolators. Contact us to learn about our anti-vibration machinery mounting systems.
Our more than 50 years experience combined with the support of Socitec creates a global presence in the US, Europe and China.